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Updated: Jan 21, 2021

Following latest government guidelines & new advice today from the National Youth Agency The Box After School Social Space will close from tomorrow.

This is frustrating but obviously it is really important that we all stay safe. We will continue to offer support where needed through this time – please get in touch.

Our counselling service continues to work either face to face or remotely (depending on your preference). Referrals can be made via the forms on the counselling pages of our website.

Check back for more updates…

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Updated: Jan 21, 2021

We’re Back! After School Social Space returns today for the first time since March!We have spent hours digesting government guidance and information from the National Youth Agency to ensure that we are able to open safely and because of this our sessions will look a bit different for a while.

We’re starting in a small way but we can’t wait to meet up with all our regulars again after such a long time – do come in and say hi!

So, for the next few weeks we will open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-4:30pm only.

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The Box may not be open for face to face contact with our young people at the moment but we now have a revamped online presence to allow us to continue to engage with young people in our community.

The new site will continue to expand over the next days and weeks offering information and advice for young people and parents.

The Box Counselling Service continues to offer support to young people and there is now a dedicated page on the site with online referral forms for for the first time.

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